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April 21, 2021 2 min read

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The Truth About Period Product Waste 

The sad reality regarding period products like disposable pads and tampons is they will outlive the person who threw them away – and their children!

These products are made of up to 90% plastic and can take 500 to 800 years to fully decompose. During this span of time, these products will sit in landfills, the sewer system, or in our oceans. But it’s not just the span of time that’s of concern, it’s also the scale. 

  • In the United States, 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are disposed of every year
  • The average person who menstruates will throw away 400 pounds of tampons/disposable pads in their lifetime.
  • Disposable pads, tampons, and panty liners account for more than 200,000 tonnes of waste per year.

Make a Difference; Choose Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Reusable Pads 

The best ecological alternative for disposable pads are made of either organic cotton or bamboo fibre. Reusable pads can be used for an average of four years and will only take five months (for organic cotton) and one year (for bamboo) to break down and be one with nature once again.  

Reusable Cups 

Premium-grade reusable cups can give you up to 10 years of use. Made of medical-grade silicone, this material is not toxic to aquatic or soil organisms. One reusable period cup can take the place of up to 238 pounds of disposable pads and tampons.  

Why Not Both? 

Many people desire the security of reusable pads to avoid period blood stains or as backup protection to their reusable cup. The good news is, reusable pads and reusable cups can be used in tandem.

If you’re concerned about stains, an organic stain remover product can help wash them away, while also protecting the environment!

Take Action Today 

Thinking of becoming more eco-friendly?

There are billions of women around the world. If we all take one step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle – or even just spreading the word about eco-friendly options – it can make a big difference. Not only is this choice good for the planet, it will also be beneficial to you in terms of health and savings. It’s a win-win situation for Mother Earth and for you! 

Let’s make it happen!

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